Monday, September 13, 2010

And they keep getting closer...

(da-dum. da-dum. da-dum) Okay, that was my pathetic attempt at eerie music, but that's all I've got. Take it or leave it.

My deadlines are getting closer and this week two of them are looming. In approximately one hour I will be attempting my German-English translation exam to see if I can stop fretting and fussing over filling the Foreign Language Requirement for my Masters. The second is the deadline application for Teach For America. I just need to finish my resume' and get it, and my letter of intent, proofread and submitted. Then I only have to worry about whether or not I get an interview as well as get Letters of Recommendations from past teachers/co-workers/department heads/etc.

Just five more days and I'm, wait! Friday and my students turn in their first final draft for me. Oooohhh. That should be interesting!

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